Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards
Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards
Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards
Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards
Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards
Pinay Homeschooler Shop

Parts of a Human Brain Montessori 3 Part Cards | 4 Part Cards

Regular price $6.00 $0.00

Discover the essential parts of a human with our Montessori-inspired learning material, designed for interactive and collaborative learning.

There are two sets included in this pack: (1) parts of the exterior structure, which mainly focuses on the lobes, and (2) the cross-section of the human brain

What you will get (1 exterior) :

  • 7 parts of the brain control cards (bordered and no border)
  • 7 parts of the brain picture card (bordered and no border)
  • 7 parts of the brain label cards (bordered and no border)
  • 7 parts of the brain definition cards (bordered and no border)
  • 7 parts of the brain quiz card (bordered and no border)
  • Blackline masters for coloring and label activity
  • 4 variations of exterior brain diagrams (A4 size)
  • Writing/tracing and spelling strips
  • Information card strips which you can assemble into a book

What you will get (2 cross-section) :

  • 12 parts of a cross-section of the brain control cards (bordered and no border)
  • 12 parts of a cross-section of the brain picture card (bordered and no border)
  • 12 parts of a cross-section of the brain labels cards (bordered and no border)
  • 12 parts of a cross-section of the brain definition cards (bordered and no border)
  • 12 parts of a cross-section of the brain quiz card (bordered and no border)
  • Blackline masters for coloring and label activity
  • 4 variations of neuron diagrams (A4 size)
  • Writing/tracing and spelling strips
  • Information card strips which you can assemble into a book


Parts included (cross-section):- brain cross-section, frontal lobe, corpus callosum, pineal gland, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, parietal lobe, brain stem, limbic lobe and thalamus

Parts included (exterior):- brain, frontal lobe, cerebellum, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, brain stem


In a Montessori environment, this is designed for students ages 6-12 (using different variations) or in grades 3-6 in traditional schools.  This introductory material is an excellent complement to a biology textbook and for reinforcement of fundamental concepts. Additionally, it is essential to have accompanying books and/or textbooks to support your understanding of the subject.

We also encourage you to explore our wide range of additional biology resources, including more detailed diagrams, interactive tools, and study guides, all designed to enrich your learning experience in the fascinating world of biology. Like the following materials for extension works:


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