Chinese New Year Addition and Subtraction Facts Fluency 1-12 Center
Chinese New Year Addition and Subtraction Facts Fluency 1-12 Center
Chinese New Year Addition and Subtraction Facts Fluency 1-12 Center
Pinay Homeschooler Shop

Chinese New Year Addition and Subtraction Facts Fluency 1-12 Center

Regular price $2.63 Sale price $3.50

This material is a Montessori friendly resource on math. Enjoy learning and mastering addition and subtraction facts from 1 to 12 with this Chinese New Year Themed Math Centers. This resource promotes hands-on learning, provides an engaging practice in helping kids build their addition and subtraction fact fluency from 1 to 12. It contains beautiful watercolor illustrations!


  • identify addition equations and learn how to sort them through their sums
  • identify subtraction equations and learn how to sort them through their difference
  • to familiarize and master addition and subtractions facts from 1-12


• This print file is in A4 paper size. Choose the appropriate printer settings for this file (SHRINK TO FIT or AUTO fit).


  • Addition Equation Cards (0-12)
  • Subtraction Equation Cards (0-12)
  • SUM & DIFFERENCE Cards (1-12)

 The equation cards are sorted out and placed in the corresponding sum/difference card (0-12). Depending on the skills of your students, you can opt to play the addition (subtraction) sorting activity separately, or do both at the same.



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